McKinsey: reimagining mobility

A recent report from McKinsey & Company on “Reimagining Mobility” likens the innovations transforming mobility today to the switch from horses to cars 0ver a hundred years ago. It estimates that, if the United States were to fully adopt automonomous vehicles, the public benefit would exceed $800 billion per annum in 2030. It further indicates that, if commuters across the globe were to adopt digitally connected vehicles, almost a billion hours a day of commuting time would be saved.
Through our long-standing partnership with Toyota Motor Corporation, the global leader in hybrid vehicles, and as an early investor in Rivian, the electric vehicle pioneer, we are part of the global transition towards new models of mobility that are changing our societies for the better.
With innovation in mobility and mobility tech gaining momentum, we are fast accelerating towards the shift in the auotmotive market indicated in McKinsey’s report. Are the 2020s gearing up to be the decade of the EV? Read our recent Perspectives article for our views on the mobility revolution here.