The Future of Mobility

Jameel Motors

Our journey is far from over

We’re charging forward, making strategic investments in the future of mobility. And what a future it will be. A mobility future that’s unrecognizable from today. One that is cleaner, faster and smarter in every conceivable way.

As we continue to open new frontiers for freedom, we look toward a world where on-demand, shared, connected and most importantly, sustainable, mobility options are available to serve everyone. Abdul Latif Jameel and the Jameel Investment Management Company (JIMCO) continue to invest in the future of mobility.

As pioneers in the sector, we’ve always had our eyes on the road ahead.


Sharing its vision for more sustainable mobility solutions, the Jameel Family became enthusiastic early-stage investors in RIVIAN.

Based in Irvine, California, home to their vehicle engineering and design, electronics, software, propulsion, battery systems, supply chain and logistics, IT, as well teams operating their customer facing platforms, RIVIAN is designing its vehicles to facilitate ‘car-sharing’ with their autonomous features.

Manufacturing is centered on Normal, Illinois, where the R1T pick-up and R1S SUV, as well as commercial vans are produced. Other facilities include Plymouth, Michigan; Palo Alto, California; Wittman Arizona; Vancouver, British Columbia and Woking in the United Kingdom.

RIVIAN is on a mission to keep the world adventurous forever; believing there is a more responsible way to explore the planet and so are determined to make the transition to sustainable transportation an exciting one – we’re proud to support the journey!

The scale of the challenge is enormous, but we’re lucky to be a part of this — to be able to help solve how we shift our planet’s energy and transportation systems entirely away from fossil fuel.

RJ Scaringe
Founder & CEO

Joby Aviation

The future of mobility is so much more than road transport. Looking to the skies, we invested in California-based Joby Aviation’s revolutionary electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, which are pioneering electric aerial ridesharing.

Hydrogen Mobility

Today, hydrogen fuel cells, as a viable mobility power source, are on the cusp of entering the mainstream. Their zero emission credentials makes a strong positive argument for adoption in transportation systems, both public and private.

Experiments with hydrogen as a fuel source reach back to Swiss inventor Francois Isaac de Rivaz, in 1807. However, the 1966 GM Electrovan is generally considered to be first road-going hydrogen fuel cell car powered by a 5 KW Union Carbide fuel cell with a range of 120 miles – it was only driven on company property.

The European Council has today adopted legislation that will see hundreds of hydrogen refueling stations deployed across the continent.

Adoption of the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) will see the rule published in the EU’s official journal after the summer and will enter force 20 days after publications with the rules due to apply from six months after the date of entry.

AFIR dictates that hydrogen refueling stations serving both light- and heavy-duty vehicles must be deployed in all urban nodes and every 200km along the core TransEuropean Transport Network (TEN-T) by 2030.

P3 Mobility

The P3 mobility hub seamlessly integrates into the city’s infrastructure and the P3 experience center provides a touchpoint between the community and the technology driving the ecosystem. A smart device app connects the customer to the vehicle enabling control of the ride, including all of the vehicle’s comfort and entertainment features.